Resinex-Gerstmeir Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG

Kontakt ins Adressbuch Website Firma
Mühlmahdweg 6
86167 Augsburg

Informationen über die Resinex-Gerstmeir

RESINEX is a PAN-European distribution company with a leading position in the plastics and rubbers distribution market in the whole of Europe and Turkey.
RESINEX can provide solutions for plastic and rubber applications in injection moulding, , extrusion, blowmoulding,... for industries, such as Automotive, Wire & Cable, HD Pipe, Electrical, Construction,.... within a comprehensive branded product portfolio.
RESINEX belongs to the , the number one global service provider to the plastics and rubber industry.

6 Produkte der «Resinex-Gerstmeir»:
