Intertek Polychemlab

Kontakt ins Adressbuch Website Firma
Intertek Polychemlab, Leinfelden-Echterdingen Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 13
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Informationen über die Intertek Polychemlab

Intertek provides laboratory testing, laboratory outsourcing, consulting, cargo inspection and certification services for clients in a wide range of industries on a global basis. Industrial and commercial organizations choose Intertek for quality, professionalism, performance and solutions. Intertek is the world's largest product testing, inspection and certification partner providing manufacturers and retailers with a wide range of support and expertise.
Global Intertek services for testing, inspection, consulting and research include:
Intertek operates a global network of offices and analytical testing laboratories serving a wide range of industries. Intertek Oil Chemical and Agri, Intertek Analytical Services and Intertek Minerals Services are divisions of.

43 Produkte der «Intertek Polychemlab»:

  • QS-Dienstleistungen, Qualitätssicherung

    Webseite Produkt
  • Prüfen von Kunststoffen, allgemein

    Webseite Produkt
  • Intertek übernimmt Biodata Analytik Labor

    Webseite Produkt
    Analytik in den Bereichen Nahrungsmittel, Futtermittel, landwirtschaftliche Produkte, Wasser, Boden, Luft, Abfallprodukte und vieles mehr Biodata hat ihren Geschäftssitz in Deutschland und ist als unabhängiges akkreditiertes Labor für...
  • für Nahrungsmittel und landwirtschaftliche Produkte

    Webseite Produkt
  • Verpackungsdienstleistungen

    Webseite Produkt
  • Automobildienstleistungen

    Webseite Produkt
  • Umwelt und Sicherheitsanalysen

    Webseite Produkt
  • Chemische Analysen

    Webseite Produkt
  • Online Analysen

    Webseite Produkt
  • Biodiesel Schmierstoffanalysen Treibstoffanalysen

    Webseite Produkt
  • Outsourcing

    Webseite Produkt
  • ASTM Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    ASTM Product Testing Standards and Methods for the Petroleum, Chemicals, Plastics and Coal Industries Intertek provides clients a wide range of ASTM product quality tests through a global ASTM analytical testing services laboratory network....
  • ASTM - Petroleum and Petrochemicals

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Catalyst Testing and Evaluation

    Webseite Produkt
    Process Chemistry, Pilot Plants and Catalyst Services for the Petroleum, Chemical, Polymer Industries Intertek provides catalyst and pilot plant process related research, testing and analytical services to the petroleum, chemical and...
  • Coal Testing and Inspection

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Consulting Services

    Webseite Produkt
    Intertek is one of the world's leading consultancy companies, providing industry expertise and related consulting services to clients in a wide range of industries. Global industries served by Intertek consultants include...
  • Corrosion Testing and Consulting

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Crystallography

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Engine Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Emissions Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Environmental Testing Laboratories

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Flammability Testing of Materials

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Food Related Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    Home | About Us | Locations | Services | News | Career Center | Contact Us | Site Map Intertek food testing services provide a global network of laboratories offering a wide range of food testing expertise and capabilities. The food...
  • Fuels Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Gelatin Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Laboratory Outsourcing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Lubricants Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Mechanical Properties Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Melamine Detection and Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Metals Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Oils Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    Intertek laboratories test and analyze a wide range of oils, with oil lab locations available on a global basis. The types of oils tested include crude oil, lubricants, vegetable and animial oils, essential oils, synthetic oils and more....
  • Packaging Materials Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Petroleum Industry

    Webseite Produkt
    This website section has moved to the new website. • Intertek provides testing, inspection and consulting services to the world's petroleum and petro-chemical industries, including laboratory, cargo inspection and...
  • Pipeline Services

    Webseite Produkt
    • Through our network of 26,000 people in 1,000 laboratories and offices in 100 countries, Intertek provides quality and safety solutions to a wide range of industries around the world. • A career with Intertek offers rewarding...
  • Product Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    • Intertek laboratories provide testing and analysis for testing a huge range of products and materials. Intertek product testing supports quality control, evaluation, research, development, troubleshooting and many other customer needs....
  • Quality Control Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    Intertek is a leading international provider of quality control and quality assurance related testing and inspection services. The Intertek QC/QA laboratories test a wide range of materials, products and components to support client quality...
  • Raw Materials Testing

    Webseite Produkt
    Intertek laboratories test raw materials, feedstocks and other ingredients and components used in a wide range of products and commodities. Testing raw materials can include evaluation and screening of feedstocks, unprocessed materials,...
  • Regulatory Support and Consulting

    Webseite Produkt
    , • Packaging for foods, • Pharmaceutical packaging, • Toys, • Potable water applications., • The team deals with all strategic aspects of registration including:, • Project Management, • Planning, • Negotiation and...
  • Testing - Intertek

    Webseite Produkt
    Testing Services provided by Intertek support clients on a global basis include the following industries:, •, •, •, •, •, •, •, •, •, •, •, •, • ...and many more, contact Intertek for more information. Prefer to...
  • Testing Laboratory

    Webseite Produkt
  • Testing Services

    Webseite Produkt
  • Water Testing and Analysis

    Webseite Produkt
