Kontakt ins Adressbuch Website Firma
OXEA GmbH, Oberhausen Otto-Roelen-Strasse 3
46147 Oberhausen
E-Mail: birgit.reichel@oxea-chemicals.com
Internet: http://www.oxea-chemicals.com

Informationen über die OXEA GmbH

OXEA started in March 2007 as a buyout of assets and a joint venture from Celanese and Evonik.
With a production capacity of over 1.2 million tons per annum and sales of about €1 billion we are producing more than 60 Oxo chemicals for customers in a wide range of industries with various end market applications.
Oxo chemicals are the core competency of OXEA; we produce Oxo Intermediates and Oxo Derivatives. We are #1 or #2 globally in products like Aldehydes, Alcohols, Esters and have the broadest product portfolio and the largest capacity in Carboxylic Acids. Apart from these product groups we are also the sole manufacturer of some special Aldehydes, Diols, Specialty Esters and Olefin Derivatives. Some of our products are tailored for specific customers' individual needs.
OXEA is considered to be the technological and market leader in most of its product segments.

1 Produkte der «OXEA GmbH»:
