Informationen über Thermoforming

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Thermoforming Thermoforming Semi finished plates with an initial thickness of up to 13 mm We manufacture semi finished plates with an initial thickness of up to 13 mm into technological moulded articles of a maximum size of 2500 x 1500 x 600 mm. We manufacture semi finished plates with an initial thickness of up to 13 mm into technological moulded articles of a maximum size of 2500 x 1500 x 600 mm. We consider ourselves one of the leading suppliers / thermoformers of Central Europe. High-quality products are manufactured on our ultramodern plate-forming equipment. As far as technological packaging is concerned, we offer a rolling machine which constitutes the ideal economic solution by integrating forming and punching in one operational step. We consider ourselves one of the leading suppliers / thermoformers of Central Europe. High-quality products are manufactured on our ultramodern plate-forming equipment. As far as technological packaging is concerned, we offer a rolling machine which constitutes the ideal economic solution by integrating forming and punching in one operational step.