Informationen über BGA Testsockel

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BGA Testsockel uwe electronic GmbH
BGA Testsockel Making Ball Grid Array Sockets You Can Count On Ten years ago the high pin count market was relegated to PGA and CGA devices. Today BGA devices rule this market. There are plenty of challenges associated with high pin count BGA devices, but your test socket should not be one of them. In order to make sure it is not, we utilize a variety of materials and design methodologies. As I/Os creep up into the thousands, structural strength can quickly become a concern. Synergetix designs are analyzed to address the pressure concerns (i.e., 1.2 oz per pin x 2000 pins = 150 lbs in a 60 mm square) while still meeting manufacturability considerations. Floating Nests As with any socket, contact between the spring probe and the device lead is critical for high pass yields. In BGA devices this is compounded by the extension of a ball from the substrate which must be aligned before contacting the spring probes. By simply aligning off the substrate, a device can be introduced to the spring probe in a manner in which the balls are not properly aligned. This often leads to ball shearing or probe damage. In order to eliminate this possibility, Synergetix often uses a floating nest to align the balls before contacting the probes. This method, whether using a window frame or one ball/one hole nest, allows the device and balls to align in a nest that “floats” on springs above the probe tips. Once aligned the device can then be introduced to the spring probes without the worry of ball or probe damage.

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